Video installation consisting of three screens narrates the complexity of historical contexts in Brazil throughout its history. Through the use of images, audio and other extracts, the installation tells the stories of different periods and events that shaped Brazil's past, including colonization, slavery, independence, military dictatorship and democratization. Recounting how internal and external perceptions impacted Brazil's society, politics and culture, enhancing a deeper appreciation of understanding the country's identity and diversity. The multi-screen format allows viewers to simultaneously see different perspectives and aspects of narratives about the country. The installation offers a way to explore Brazil's complex history and its continuing legacy in the present day with all its contradictions. The event consisted of two rooms, the first room had a live screen printing for visitors to participate in and understand the creative process of parts from Jahbah. The second room was intended for the story linked to Jahbah, we were 8 minutes away from the brand's intention to intervene in the gray urban context with bright and vivid colours. We made two installations with projection mapping to support the ideas presented in the video.
Videoinstalação composta por três telas narra a complexidade dos contextos históricos do Brasil ao longo de sua história. Através do uso de imagens, áudios e outros extratos, a instalação conta as histórias de diferentes períodos e eventos que moldaram o passado do Brasil, incluindo colonização, escravidão, independência, ditadura militar e democratização. Relatando como as percepções externas internas impactaram sociedade,a política e a cultura do Brasil, exaltando uma apreciação mais profunda sobre o entendimento identidade e diversidade do país.
O formato multitelas permite que os espectadores vejam simultaneamente diferentes perspectivas e aspectos das narrativas sobre o país. A instalação oferece uma maneira de explorar a história complexa do Brasil e seu legado contínuo nos dias atuais com todas as suas contridições.